Lorukoru Metropolis kaulakoru
Lorukoru Metropolis kaulakoru. Ketjun pituus on 45cm. Materiaali hopea.
"Inspired by this visionary movie our Metropolis collection was born in Hong Kong by the impressions of the movie and the impressions of what exist behind a metropolis of 7.000.000 people. This collection wants to express solidarity on the front of democracy. With the hope of not forgetting those who fight for the values of our societies against the despotisms that want to erode them. We express solidarity to Joshua Wong under arrest for our democracy. May compassion and love, as in the movie, enter the dungeons of our heartland pervade our mind, crash the walls that stand up to defend our shameless indifference."
Valmistaja: Lorukoru
Malli: Metropolis
Materiaali: Hopea
Ketju: 45cm
Riipus: 35mm
Lorukorun muotokieli on elegantti ja moderni, muttei kuitenkaan liian vakava. Koruissa yhdistyy suomalaisen muotoilun luonnollisuus ja ajanmukaisuus sekä italialaisen koruperinteen taiteellisuus.